zondag 30 september 2012


My contribution to the "Piecesbook"-project.
All kinds of (mainly Polish) illustrators and cartoonists are making a comic,
each making one panel.

I felt like introducing the "Murderous MegaBird"character.
Pretty curious to see what's gonna happen next.
Who knows, maybe they'll kill him off right away. :-)

dinsdag 18 september 2012

Children of the Core 3.

Billy Ice.

Sparring with bears and tigers, England's Billy Ice
has quickly garnered a reputation among martial artists.

However, there's a rumour that Billy is addicted to MegaSnort Coke,
which could explain his insane behavior.

zondag 2 september 2012

Big Pink!

Coming next month: "Big Pink"!

A4, full color, 48 pages.
Featuring "The Core" and much more.